Sunday, September 26, 2004

The yellow house on the end of Palico street here in Alabang ain't never gonna be the same again. Last friday was Cornelius' despidida. He was supposed to leave a few months back, but due to some confusion and compilcations, it was finally moved to last Saturday. The gathering last Friday was aight, i mean, there were alot of people and stuff but the atmosphere was really different. Sort of a cross between Norah Jones and Avril Lavigne..really depressing. Anyways, the party lasted until 2:30-3:00 a.m. where at that time Cornelius had to leave for the airport because of his 7:00 a.m. flight to Japan. I and some other people from the party (namely the D7G and Bernice) went to the airport to say goodbye for the last time. Of course there were tears, and hugs and final reminders from Tita Minnie and Tito Yette and more tears and more hugs and an airport security guard getting pissed because we were in the way of the other passengers and we didn't want to get out. I just hate saying goodbyes, especially to good friends.. it's just not right..

You take care Cornelius.. Remember.. I want my bandana back.. PEACE!!!

Since I didn't Blog for almost a week, i got a week's worth of Music..
- Jamiroquai - A Funk Odessey, Traveling without moving, Space Cowboy
- Norah Jones - Come Away with Me, Feels like home
- Dave Matthews Band - Gorge 2002, Live at Luther College, Live at Red Rocks, Crash
- Elton John - Danielle]
- Cafe Del Mar Volumen Siete, Ocho

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Been Searching for My Response to the Question "Can it be all that Simple?!" Since November 2002
© Produced and Maintained by |That N.I.G.G.A named M.O.N.|
© Copyright Still a G'thang Productions, 2007