Monday, July 30, 2007


And I though i had enough of work. And so, Karren finally called it quits and decided to tell our boss that after two months and a half of working, she's resigning effective next week. I was actually surprised that she went through with it. I thought she was just bluffing or maybe just waiting for me to go first since we got this so-called agreement that we'd resign together if ever. I never knew that she'd actually do it.. i always thought that i's be the first one.

"Karren, if it was that easy, i've done it a very very long time ago.."

In my part, it's just sad to see her go, since i know for a fact that she's the only one in the work place that shares the same sentiments that i have. And other than that, she's a Benildean and we got accepted the same time in Oxford. Oh well.. Good luck "Karren Baby", i'll see you around i guess! Though I hope you change your mind after a few days. I don't want to be stuck with Jessica and her airheadness.

Anyway, tomorrow is my last day in the morning shift and then a few days on the evening shift and then back to the morning shift and then the mid shift and then GRAVEYARD again for five days and then i'm back to my usual evening shift.. (AND THAT'S HOW YOU KNOW HOW FUCKED UP SHIFTING SCHEDULES COULD BE!) well.. That's as far as i've sneaked into the schedule.. So far it's alright it's just the Graveyard that bothers me.. Though it's cool that they placed it on the weekdays compared to last month where it was on the weekend! But still.. i hate this fucking shift to the bone.. Hay Hay..

And so, i'm off to never never land.. Till tomorrow..

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Apparently, you can play hookey at work as well.. hahaha! well.. i didn't go to work today since it's such a nice Sunday to spend it on the desk (i hope no one from work reads this).. Technically, I'm still sick from Via's flu, so i guess my being absent is still substancial. Anyway, it's been so long since we had a family lunch wherein everyone was there, well minus Sanch and Sabrina but we were complete nonetheless. Anyways, good meal, great conversation, marvelous people.. So what more can you ask for? This is just a perfect Sunday.. Thank God I skipped work..

So moving on.. tomorrow is another effin' working day tomorrow! Hay Hay!! and Friday is my next off................ Sige na nga..


Saturday, July 28, 2007


The one thing that i hate in this world, more that Barca and France is waking up early in the morning, On a Sunday and going to work. This seriously sucks.. I've never asked anything "huge" to the person who makes the sched but not make me go to work early mornings especially Sundays because, the tendency of me skipping work is 10 out of 10. And this is not a rough estimate.. This shit is like real! And to think tonight is Prim's birthday celebration?! HAH!! good luck to me tomorrow!

The only high point about this whole thing is i get to hear mass tomorrow. And for sure that's not something i'm bound to miss.. From how i see things, that's the only good thing coming for me this week.. and after that.. it's back to going down hill.. but hey.. at least it went up even for awhile right?

the real feeling..

Friday, July 27, 2007


It's Quarter before five and i'm blogging. I guess i've got a serious problem. I'm trying to start the day right by complaining before everything that i can complain about even wakes up to be complained upon (Shit, i sound like i seriously need help). Anyway, having two days of no work seriously isn't good for me since it makes me feel how it it to have a weekend. Which is kind of wrong since i shouldn't feel that i have one, since i don't have one. Hence, making it even harder as it is to head for work, like right now i'm again considering to take another sick leave because in all honesty, i still don't feel well. Well, technically i still don't feel well but if i take another leave, what the hell am i gonna get when pay day arrives (as if i get shit!)?!

Anyway, here's to another wasted weekend ahead of me! Another weekend that's going to be spent drooling over discovery travel and living!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


First of all, i'd like to thank my workmate Miss Via Valencia for being contagious enough to share her flu with me thus, making me sick on my Day off, and once again wasting it at home instead of spending it out with the girl or something. Thank you so much.. I seriously needed another reason to spend a whole freaking day in front of the television eating bread pan and pasta. *Shakes my head in dissapointment* THANK YOU! THANKS A LOT! I REALLY APPRECIATE THIS!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tuesday - Wednesday.. (The Samsung, PSP and Broken Phone)

I'm not sure if it's a punishment for being blunt and shit about how i feel about working or that's how it really is but after my off tomorrow.. I'm going to be on duty from 7am - 4pm for the next two weeks. Last week, my whole weekend was spent on the hotel working because of the graveyard shift. Now, my weekend is gonna be spent sleeping early because i have to go to work early the next day.. C'mon man!! give me a fucking break!! This is just not right anymore (as if it was ever right)..

I seriously don't know how you guys became in charge. Seriously.. Fiddling with the PSP?! Uploading songs on the phone?! Friendster?! Yahoo Messenger?! when the desk is busy?! (Is that even legal?!) If the desk wasn't busy maybe it's alright.. but when the desk is.. C'mon, let's be professional here, and to thihk you like what you do for a living? JESUS CHRIST!! this is just hard to believe..

Quote of the Day..

"I have a million different things I ought to worry about, especially money, but it is sunny outside and I have just enough change for a bag of potato chips.."

- Joey Comeau

You know what Joey? We should seriously talk, because we could make the best sense of what the world thinks won't make sense, and just laugh at it..

Monday, July 23, 2007

Sunday - Monday..

I made a major mistake awhile ago that imona have to write a anecdotal explaination in the next 48 hours and pay 2 grand for it. No one has to even say or even elaborate why i made this mistake. Stupidity? Nah.. I'm too smart for this mistake, too busy at the desk?.. Maybe.. Lack of Enthusiasm and lazyness because I hate my Job?! BINGO! I can't see anymore explainations on why i comitted such a mistake, because seriously, going to work becomes harder and harder everyday. If it was just that easy to resign and leave.. And yeah, i missed mass again today, shit.. this fucking sucks!

Magnolia: You know If miss Mea heard/read what you just said/written, she wouldn't be pleased..
Mon: Ok..

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I don't normally write twice in one night. I sometimes just save it for the next day and just put it as a draft so that if ever i have nothing to write, i just post that down. But it think tonight i'm making an exception.

Just now i realizer that, i'm actually depressed because of work. And just so that you know, i'm not the type of person that gets depressed, Angsty yeah.. but depressed? never. This is actually the first time that i feel bad about what i'm doing. A few months back, i was just frustrated and annoyed with what I do.. now i think it already hit the depression level (Not Suicidal ok!!). I mean i can't even write properly anymore. It's just sad really.. i never thought that it would actually affect my writing. But anyway, i'm an inch closer to resigning.. i'm giving myself two more weeks and this is final. Two more weeks and if i still feel this way then that's it. I'm done with being a front desk officer..

Now It's proven that, i will never be happy unless, i work in the kitchen. I just can't work in a desk with shifting schedules. Maybe shifting schedules in the kitchen yeah?! but in the desk.. nah, i'll pass, it's all yours, whoever wants it.

Checklist after Resigning:

Day Off.. Yeah Right..

I don't know how long i can take this anymore. Just last night, i told my duty manager straight up that I'm not happy with what i'm doing. Actually, that's like the soft version of what I said. What I actually said was "I Hate My Job" and I hate it with a vengeance.. Maybe, It was the effect of being in the graveyard shift that i was able to really say what I felt but I don't know, maybe i just really wanted to tell him already.. He asked if i was going quit already, i said soon but not now.. That actually felt good you know?! at least they already know what i really feel.

Anyway, today is my so-called "Day off".. Today, since i was graveyard i got home at around 11am?, and i have to go to work at 7 am tomorrow?! Is this day off just for formalities sake?! just so that you can write down on the schedule that i technically had a day off? And i'm working seven days straight next week? *Shakes my head in dissapointment..* Why not just shoot me in the head right now?.. sheesh...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


So today marks the last day of my graveyard shift after a really long time i hope.. actually.. i hope never again. Tomorrow is my so-called "day off" since i'm going to be sleeping the whole day and i got work early on Thursday.. *shakes my head in dissapointment* So, the revised schedule for the next week is already posted and like my sched this week, i'm going to be working for seven straight days again since my "off" next week will be moved to Thursday.. I actually can't seem to understand why my "off" keeps on moving when i haven't requested it to be moved.. I'm guessing i'll be working seven straight days again next week.. Actually, i'm not guessing anymore, i'm already expecting it to be like that. I'd be happy with this set up if I was actually getting paid more.. *again.. shakes my head in dissapointment*

On other things, Karina, since she works for a manpower agency who ship people abroad, got my resume and submitted it to some hotel in the UAE. I hope i heard her right, UAE.. because she might have said Kuwait and if ever she did we're gonna have a serious problem.

Anyway.. off to Ever Ever Land! a place where you're underpaid and overworked with a horrible schedule!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Graveyard Shifting..

Tonight is going to be my third night in the shift and frankly, i seriously want to give up and report sick already. I hate this fucking shift.. I fucking hate it with a vengeance! Also, I actually hate that fact that I don't have a choice since everyone has got to pass through this at least once a month and from how i see it, i'm the only one who's not enjoying this shift. It seems that everyone likes this shift since it's not stressful and all that.. I still say crap! Just shoot me in the head instead of putting me in this shift.

Anyway, on my very first day of this shift i was with this workmate who, i swear to god if he wasn't my OIC, i could have punched him because of lack of sleep.. ok, he maybe ok at first but now.. actually, he's not ok, since he never was and he is a closet case, tolerable is more like it. He's tolerable, but now that he suddenly aquired a superiority complex, i swear.. one more out of him and i'll fucking hang him upside down. Apparently, he's trying to copy the old front office supervisor "Abi" who he idolizes so much and in which according to him is.. well a bitch since i ain't got any more words to describe how she is from how he described her. She's a perfectionist according to him. A perfectionist to a point where she acts like a bitch if she doesn't get what she wants. For her sake, thank the Lord Jesus that she already resigned after i got in.. so here..

"Dude, trying be her most definately won't make you her, and trying to act like a perfectionist doesn't make you one as well, so i suggest you to stop it, because it just makes you look more of a faggot that you already are..

Catch my drift?

Anyway, on other things.. After missing mass for almost a month, i was finally able to hear mass yesterday. Thank God! Maybe this is the only good thing about the graveyard shift! moving on.. It feels good to be able to hear mass again after missing it for three weeks.. I feel less of a sinner now.. hehe.. moving on.. well, my social life is offically down the dumps.. that shit doesn't exist anymore.. so i ain't got nothing to say about that..


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday Eveneing Bluees...

Tonight's Gimmick List:
Joni - Hang out with G and Noy and Someother people then to Bea's
Tin - Hang out with her Girls
Wowie - Museum trip with Aby then a Gig
Aby - Museum trip with Wowie then i dunno..
D7 - Probably Ton's house
The Roots - Probably poker at JP's
Sieg - Working (But he works in Alabang so that doesn't count)
Mon - To Oxford Suites Makati to work since he's on Graveyard shift today

Of all the days that i could have been placed on the graveyard shift, I don't understand why it had to be today till Tuesday. And on Wednesday since it's my off.. i'm gonna be sleeping the whole day, and on Thursday, my schedule is at 7 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon (So much for my off).. Seriously, i can't seem to find anything right about this situation i'm in, Seriously. Miss Mea, If you are reading this right now, do i complain too much?! at least do i complain right at you grill all the time? I mean yeah i've been absent a few times since i got in, but c'mon this is just not right. And of all the people to be in shift with! you put me up with CAST?! C'mon man!!! This is just so wrong.. AND TO TOP ALL THAT IT'S A FREAKING SATURDAY!! JESUS CHRIST!!!

Friday, July 13, 2007


So today.. i skipped work due to a "swollen knee".. or so they know. Actually, I could have just walked it off if i wanted to but hey, this is just the perfect opportunity to get a sick leave.. even if it's just for one day.. just to again, experience having a week with two off days instead of one. And seriously?! i fucking miss my weekends! seriously!!! Jesus Jones!! if only i had two days off in a week, i'd won't still be contented but hey, at least i get two days off right?!

Dude1: But you don't get paid when you take a leave right? at least not yet?
Mon: Yeah, and quite frankly i don't give a shit. It's just such a nice day to spend it listening to complaints and annoying Koreans..
Dude1: True that..

Anyway, the relatives that's been boarding here in the house for the wedding for the past week are one by one leaving and heading back home (so that's either Cebu or Surigao). This morning it was Grandma, Aunt Evangeline and Uncle Samson. Tomorrow it's Aunt Daday and Aunt Shirley and finally on Saturday it's Cousins Nina and Mia. Actually, since they arrived last week i have been sleeping on the couch or on the floor or on a sleeping bag along with spaceman. But moving on, It actually saddens me that they're already leaving since, i wasn't really able to hang around with them because i got work. And the last time we saw each other was what?! 2-3-4 years ago? i'm not really sure.. so i'm just thankful that the clan isn't complete this time around beacuse if they were? and i was the only one not present? Daymn... i'd be the saddest man in the world.

Aunt1: Why not take a leave from work so we can all go to that new big mall near the coastal road?
Mon: For how long?
Aunt2: at least 3 days? just right after the wedding
Mon: I can't.. sorry
Cousin1: But we haven't seen you in so long!
Mon: Yeah, I know.. so i'm really sorry..

They say i have to get used to the mentality of Work-over-Family not unsless the occasion is crazy like the Wedding or a Funeral. I say CRAP!

So... C'est la vie!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

25th and it goes on..

According to stories from him, her and some other relatives, 25 years ago, he borrowed 5,000 pesos from his uncle so that he could finally get married to the girl of his dreams in a small church within the University of the Philippines. Of course, 5,000 won't cover as much so the wedding wasn't as grand as she wished it would be. A little flowers on the aisle, a red carpet, a few relatives and friends a simple reception right after. It's a wedding nonetheless so it was ok for her. The vows were still said, the rings were still given and the kiss was still well.. kissed, so what's the diff right? Though of course like any other girl, the dream of a grand wedding was always there.. She didn't have to say it, because he already knew..

25 years after. after four kids, 1 almost daughter in law and a handsome grandson. He fulfilled her dream of a grand wedding, in a big church, with all of the flowers the flowershop could provide, A really long red carpet, and a grand reception right after with Everyone invited. Eventhough she never asked him for a wedding like this after 25 years of being together, he gave it to her nontheless.. Good Job Dad..

Happy Anniversary you guys..

like what i said in my speech..

"I may not say it often, but i mean it everyday.. I love you guys.."

and Mom, Tita Jojo was there.. don't worry..

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Won't be able to blog tomorrow since tomorow is Mom and Dad's 25th Wedding Anniversary and it's just not right to not blog tonight. Anyway, Kathleen Anne is reading my blog right now so, hello Kat!..

Congratulations to my Mom and Dad!! to 25 more years!!!

Monday, July 09, 2007


Sundays are supposed to be the unofficial "Steady" day in the hotel. Well, technically it was, it's just that i wasn't in the mood to work.. It's not that i'm always in the mood to work because.. i never am, it's just that today, it's i'm not in the mood twice as much as i'm not in the mood everyday.. For the record, i didn't screw up considering i was technically surfing th net every chance i get which is every 10 to 15 minutes at a time.. Fuck! I ain't gonna even say it anymore..

Today's Briefing as of 3pm yesterday:

People to Check In: 12
People to Check Out: 5
Occupancy: 71%

I need a new Job...

Friday, July 06, 2007

Highschool High..

I accordance to Vic's recent post about our "so-called" high school, until now, i still cannot believe i survived three good years there. I say good because eventhough it maybe just a big house compared to the usual school building, and the curriculum just won't pass the minimum requirement of the US School board standards, how many people can say that "I technically have done everything i wanted to do legally and illegally inside the school without getting caught? or if ever with minimum sanction?" hahaha!! anyways.. TO HIGHSCHOOL!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Wednesday.. Midweek blog..

It seems that this midweek blogging is becoming a trend.. hmm.. not bad.. at least i get to blog semi-regularly. Anyway, It's the first time in a long time that i checked my multiply and i came across Bri's site, and i just realized.. DAMN! the fucker is still in the states! God!! LUCKY SHIT!! Eventhough a little piece of me is saying that i don't want to move there.. right now? GOD i wish i was back there.. with a freaking good job or at least a job that i like. Seriously speaking.. i think i already mentioned before that i drag myself to work everyday.. but now.. it's getting seriously worse.. i literally have to have anyone or everyone drag me to work everyday.. it's been what?! just a month and a half? and i feel this shit already?! JESUS JONES MAN!! This is not good!! this is not good at all..

On my way home from work last night at around 12 midnight, i passed through Ayala Avenue and just when i was waiting for the traffic light to turn green i just saw myself staring at Shangri-La Makati while wishing, "Damn I don't mind having a schedule like this.. as long as i'm working in a place like that..". It just saddens me to see that beautiful place just a few blocks away from the crappy ass hotel that i'm working in.. Shit.. i should quit already and start applying somewhere else..

Soundtrack.. Seeyousoongravediggergreystreetbartenderabsinthepartyattheflyhoneywarehousethefixeltorrete

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I was supposed to go like i said.. but I just couldn't, i just can't.. it's just too hard. I'm so sorry.. have a great life back there though.. hope to see you in time years time or whenever. We never ended everything properly but i guess thats for the best.. hey.. at least you we got something to look forward to thee next time we see each other.. if ever we still see each other.. Take care of yourself you hear?

"The Motherfuckin' Saga Continues.."

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© Produced and Maintained by |That N.I.G.G.A named M.O.N.|
© Copyright Still a G'thang Productions, 2007