Monday, July 16, 2007

Graveyard Shifting..

Tonight is going to be my third night in the shift and frankly, i seriously want to give up and report sick already. I hate this fucking shift.. I fucking hate it with a vengeance! Also, I actually hate that fact that I don't have a choice since everyone has got to pass through this at least once a month and from how i see it, i'm the only one who's not enjoying this shift. It seems that everyone likes this shift since it's not stressful and all that.. I still say crap! Just shoot me in the head instead of putting me in this shift.

Anyway, on my very first day of this shift i was with this workmate who, i swear to god if he wasn't my OIC, i could have punched him because of lack of sleep.. ok, he maybe ok at first but now.. actually, he's not ok, since he never was and he is a closet case, tolerable is more like it. He's tolerable, but now that he suddenly aquired a superiority complex, i swear.. one more out of him and i'll fucking hang him upside down. Apparently, he's trying to copy the old front office supervisor "Abi" who he idolizes so much and in which according to him is.. well a bitch since i ain't got any more words to describe how she is from how he described her. She's a perfectionist according to him. A perfectionist to a point where she acts like a bitch if she doesn't get what she wants. For her sake, thank the Lord Jesus that she already resigned after i got in.. so here..

"Dude, trying be her most definately won't make you her, and trying to act like a perfectionist doesn't make you one as well, so i suggest you to stop it, because it just makes you look more of a faggot that you already are..

Catch my drift?

Anyway, on other things.. After missing mass for almost a month, i was finally able to hear mass yesterday. Thank God! Maybe this is the only good thing about the graveyard shift! moving on.. It feels good to be able to hear mass again after missing it for three weeks.. I feel less of a sinner now.. hehe.. moving on.. well, my social life is offically down the dumps.. that shit doesn't exist anymore.. so i ain't got nothing to say about that..


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Been Searching for My Response to the Question "Can it be all that Simple?!" Since November 2002
© Produced and Maintained by |That N.I.G.G.A named M.O.N.|
© Copyright Still a G'thang Productions, 2007