Sunday, August 31, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008


So yesterday was the finals and I did pretty well... "Pretty Well" is an understatement.. I did Great.. "Great" is still an understatement.. I was.. LEGEN - wait for it.... DARY! I was legendary.. yeah.. I guess that sums it up.. Niiice!!!

Anyway, so today since it's already a Friday.. hmmm.. what's next? Beer, Rum? Bourbon? hmmm... as long as it has an alcohol content of not less than 5 percent.. I'm all good!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

I most definitely am not Ninoy..

Actually I am far from it.. I have nothing against Ninoy, don't get me wrong. In fact he's a great guy, if he was alive I'd probably want to have a few rounds with him and listen to what he has to say about out god-forsaken politicians and our country's current state. But I most definitely am not Ninoy.. I just want to say.. I'd rather be myself.. I just want to say..

I AM MY OWN Hero..
I "sometimes" do what I believe is right..
I do what I believe is good.. sometimes..
I fight for justice.. sometimes..
I fight for freedom.. back in high school..

I'm not trying to diss anyone or anything you believe in.. I'm just keeping it real..

Sunday, August 24, 2008


This is entry number 800.. im not sure if i should be proud or be disappointed since i've had this blog for more than five years and this is just entry number 800.. and i'm drunk as fuck! hahahaha!! anyway!! cheers!! 800 baby!! and get well soon bri!! but don't you think you're too old for chicken pox?!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bartender Please..

Saxophonist, and founding member of The Dave Matthews Band, LeRoi Moore Died unexpectedly Tuesday Afternoon. My prayers are with you and your family Mr. Moore.. And thank you for the beautiful music you made with the band..

Picture of the Day..

Whoever made this sign is such a Genius!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So I wasn't able to see "The Dark Knight".. Sue Me..

So our internet has been fucked up lately, and It's not really nice to go up to someone's mac and just say "Dude, can I just blog something using your mac?".. tsk tsk.. not me man.. I can wait..

So, Midterms is in two days.. and like the Benildean that I am.. I'm studying tomorrow.. You've got to be one or a Lasallian to be able to master the art of Cramming. And if this is graded, I'd probably get a 4.0..

The Canadian Rockies were great and they wish we were there, according to the rents.. Who checked in for the first time after being gone for two whole weeks..

Anyway, I'm just blabbling.. I'll shut up now and go back to Wind Waker...

Friday, August 08, 2008

Compare the last one, today's was an improvement. I didn't bother saying anything about the first one since that was kind of a disaster.. I'm exaggerating, it wasn't a disaster, it was more of a really huge mess.. Reason why? OK, so I was paired up with two very very interesting individuals in the kitchen.. One of them doesn't have a clue on what's there in the kitchen other than pots and pans, and the other, I think just doesn't want to pass our course..

Person 1 says: What's a Bechamel and a Hollandaise? I have no clue on what those things are since all I do in the kitchen is cook Adobo and when I make Carbonara, I just by those sachets in the super.. How do you do sinigang again? that has tamarind right? Anyway I'll just do what you say

Person 2 says: I don't care if we do it right or wrong, as long as we have something to show for, then I'm all good with that, because that just shows that we tried and I know there are points for effort.. but go on man, I'll just follow your lead.. (no, seriously?)

I know this is God's way of testing me.. I just know it.. He's just testing my Leadership and motivational skills.. I hope..

anyway tomorrow..

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

First of the Month..

It's been pretty hectic in the kitchen lately, so many sauces to memorize, and so much stocks to make but overall everything is great. So for the past few weeks, it's been school - house - school - house for me. I've already resigned from that temporary madness called work. Th rents didn't take it too lightly but what the hell.. at least now i can really concentrate on getting the extra degree.

So what now.. Action plan for the kitchen and recipe adjustment..
Till tomorrow..

"The Motherfuckin' Saga Continues.."

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Been Searching for My Response to the Question "Can it be all that Simple?!" Since November 2002
© Produced and Maintained by |That N.I.G.G.A named M.O.N.|
© Copyright Still a G'thang Productions, 2007