Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tuesday - Wednesday.. (The Samsung, PSP and Broken Phone)

I'm not sure if it's a punishment for being blunt and shit about how i feel about working or that's how it really is but after my off tomorrow.. I'm going to be on duty from 7am - 4pm for the next two weeks. Last week, my whole weekend was spent on the hotel working because of the graveyard shift. Now, my weekend is gonna be spent sleeping early because i have to go to work early the next day.. C'mon man!! give me a fucking break!! This is just not right anymore (as if it was ever right)..

I seriously don't know how you guys became in charge. Seriously.. Fiddling with the PSP?! Uploading songs on the phone?! Friendster?! Yahoo Messenger?! when the desk is busy?! (Is that even legal?!) If the desk wasn't busy maybe it's alright.. but when the desk is.. C'mon, let's be professional here, and to thihk you like what you do for a living? JESUS CHRIST!! this is just hard to believe..

Quote of the Day..

"I have a million different things I ought to worry about, especially money, but it is sunny outside and I have just enough change for a bag of potato chips.."

- Joey Comeau

You know what Joey? We should seriously talk, because we could make the best sense of what the world thinks won't make sense, and just laugh at it..

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Been Searching for My Response to the Question "Can it be all that Simple?!" Since November 2002
© Produced and Maintained by |That N.I.G.G.A named M.O.N.|
© Copyright Still a G'thang Productions, 2007