Thursday, April 24, 2008


I never knew that the turn over of people would be really fast in this industry. We started at around twenty three new people two months ago and now we're down to twelve. Five of them can't cope up with the schedule, three of them developed a sickness because of it and the last four, I'm not quite sure what the reason is but they are gone.. I was already told how fast the turn over was, though I never imagined it to be this fast..

So These past few weeks, I've been being monitored by the leader of the team that I'm gonna be assigned to next week, and so far when it come to monitoring he's been like a hawk. And I mean, he just wouldn't leave me the hell alone! Every move I do on the floor he just needs to have a say on it. I dunno if this is a good or not but in my perspective this might just end up really bad. Don't get me wrong, he's a pretty nice guy, though "Dude a little space wouldn't hurt man".

Anyway, in the industry where I am right now, and in my line of work, sales is a very very big thing. It's your bread and butter. You won't succeed in this place if your sales aren't up to par with the company's standard. I'm mentioning this right now because I'm really bad at sales.. Compared to the people around me, I feel like the Miami Heat this season when it comes to sales.. It's just bad.. I really have to work on it, I swear.. I suck pretty bad. But, comparing to two of my colleagues who are like the Boston Celtics this season when it comes to sales, but has broken every Sales Policy Violation in the hand book. I'm happy and proud to be Dwayne Wade right now..

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