Golfed.. and Metally drained because of it
What i thought would be a steady stroll through eighteen holes turned out to be a freakin' crawl. At 6:15 a.m. i tee'd off on the fourth hole of the Alabang Country Club with a group of randomly old individuals. Little did i know that they had the ability to play jedi mind games with you just in case you're playing better than them. And so, from the fourth hole till the 11th, i was playing better than them (kudos to Mr. Mundin though i doubt he recognized me, Nice drive!) 4 bogeys, a par and 2 double bogeys not bad right? On 12th though, they started playing Jedi mind tricks on me... How?!
Golfer One: So son, what's your handicap?!
Mon: 33 sir.
Golfer Two: Wow! 33! and you play that good?!
Mon: Probably just plain ol' good luck!
Golfer Three: With nice shots and Greens in regulations like that, i guess your team is expecting you to play below your handicap!
Mon: Well, we all want to play below our handicap's right?! so i guess..
Golfer Four: Yeah, but our handicaps are low and yours is quite high, and with a game like that, i'd say they are already expecting you to play well..
Mon (Feeling good): Probably..
Golfer Three: That's why they picked you to play for their team! because your handicap is low and you play well.
Mon: Uh-huh...
Golfer Two: Sometimes though, it's a drag when they expect much from you and you don't meet their expectation. And you end up as the reason why your team lost.
Mon (Shaking because of the pressure..):.....Yeah.... ain't that a bitch..
Golfer One: Anyway, tee off! you go first mon!
- Mon goes to the tee box.. sets up.. swings.. and it's a shank and.. water hazard...! hurrah for the old people!!-
Golfer One: It's ok! just hit a bogey round and you'll be able to win!
Mon: Whatever!!
And it's all down hill from there.. i scored 11 strokes over my handicap. Lesson in this story?! never never never! talk to the people in your flight unless you know them! Shieet!!! anyways! fuck it! i'm off to the basketball court!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Composed by
That Nigga Named M.O.N.
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