Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Beached in Laiya, Batangas (Feb 25-26)

Great isn't exactly the word for this trip. I think it's an overstatment, if there is such word as overstatement. I guess the word is aight. I've seen better beaches, but a mediocre beach is better than no beach at all right?! Anyways, i didn't actually swim that much in the beach since the beach was composed of mostly rocks, there was sand but just until before the shore and there were a lot of jellyfishes as big as showplates. When i say a lot i mean a lot, there were hundreds of them. Snorkling though was the shit. There were some spots there that would pass for discovery channel, Lovely really. Anyways, I was with Chase, Wowie and the whole Marriage Encounter crew the whole time. It was one of them wholesome beach trips, with a bit of Hennesey X.O.on the side. Also, Aunt Evelyn since she was there, she fed us like there was no tomorrow with her Halo Halo and some other stuff. After the whole weekend i felt like i wasn't going to be able to eat for a week! sheeez!

In conclution, everything was aight! it wasd a chillout weekend. A press on the panic button for a quick break from reality... hehee nice!!

Dave Matthews Band (you can't go to the beach without DMB)- Central Park, Chicago, San Francisco and Red Rocks.
The Beatles (Classic)- Here Comes the Sun, Eleanor Rigby, Let it be, A day in the life, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Twist and Shout and many more.
Cafe Del Mar (This is a Given)- Volumen 7,6,8,9.

Here are some pics!


The Beach House

Gaplato na Jellyfish!

The Sunset

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