Monday, August 02, 2004

When you watch a cooking show, and then see something really good and what i mean by "good" is really good, you normally say "Damn that shit is making me hungry (tang ina! nakakagutom yan!)". And then eventually you start craving for that certain dish and start looking for that shit, and if ever you don't have the ingredients to make that shit (which by the way, always happen around here), you just grab whatever is edible in the fridge and start munchin' away, with out thinkin bout the consequences of your actions. Well, yesterday or was it two days ago?! i dunno anyways, i was watching "Mario eats Italy" and then he made this dish called "Rigatoni Di'Amellia" and since the dish looked like something that came from heaven, i started lookin' for the goddamn recipie. After 2 hours of searching, i ended up eating Koko Crunch (Cereals) because some of the ingredients can't be found here (The Philippines). Anyways, awhile ago, The G'Funk family (My Family) went to cibo for dinner and lucky me they had the dish! wooohooow!! Ok now the downfall.. After 2 servings, a huge pannini and a gallon of iced tea... i'm stuffed till next tuesday... Now.. i'm still stuffed.. i can't sleep because i'm still stuffed.. it's 1:39 a.m. and i have a 7 a.m. (in which cocoy will pick me up by 5:45 becauase the traffic here is just terrible!) class that i have to attend to because we have a quiz and i can't sleep because i'm still stuffed.. Damn.. talk about satisfying your craving..

Last Friday's Golf Game
- Let's not talk about that..

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Been Searching for My Response to the Question "Can it be all that Simple?!" Since November 2002
© Produced and Maintained by |That N.I.G.G.A named M.O.N.|
© Copyright Still a G'thang Productions, 2007