Monday, June 11, 2007


In my whole life, i always thought that there can only be just so much optimisim in a person, that it would only last until something really fucks you up. Well, that's what i thought up until I met my colleague Sid, which i think.. or let me say i know for a fact is overflowing with optimisim, and no vein of pessimisim in her system. As a realist, I never really consider those two facts of life, i just base my shit with what's gonna happen and what's happening now because of what i did, what i'm doing and what i'm going to do because honeslty, it's because of those three things are thye reasons why everything that's happening to you is actually happening to you..

Maybe i'm just babbling nonesense and not getting my point across, but it's just that it's the first time i've met a person wherein she lives in the dream world where there are no problems and everything is "Hello Kitty-ish" and everything is perfect, even if according to her.. she has a complicated life. I just don't understand how she survives the world with that kind of mindset..

Anyway , today's my off.. and so is tomorrow.. thank GOD! i guess he heard my prayers last night in church..

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Been Searching for My Response to the Question "Can it be all that Simple?!" Since November 2002
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© Copyright Still a G'thang Productions, 2007