Wednesday, May 03, 2006

DAY 16: Graceland and One Way

This afternoon, My Parents (actually just my Mom, Dad was steady about it), Tita Mameng and Nay left for Memphis to visit Graceland dissapointed since Me and Wowie decided to stay here in Chicago. First of all, we were kinda tired of another road trip, Second, we don't like Elvis Presley.. Period.. So, either way, we didn't really mind. And it's not a major loss for us not to be able to visit that place. If they were going to Liverpool England to visit the Beatles, why not but that's Elvis! I don't even know any of his songs, actually i do but i couldn't care less.. so tomorrow it's downtown with Wowie and Wicked the play probably or a trip at the house of blues.. whatever happens i'm just thankful i'm not in Graceland.

I was chatting with Anton awhile ago about One Way to check on what's been happening back home. So far it's the same bullshit.. Now, it's not about the script.. now it's the play title. They changed the title without even asking me.. yeah, so what if i'm here in Chicago, it's not as if you'll go through hell just to email me?! just to ask eventhough i know if i say no they'll still push through with their Goddamn decision... Tss! whatever!! fuck it!! Thinking about one way will be on hold till i get back.. or maybe i won't think about it no more, since "MY JOB IS DONE ALREADY..".. tsss.. whatever.. bahala na kayo jan!

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Been Searching for My Response to the Question "Can it be all that Simple?!" Since November 2002
© Produced and Maintained by |That N.I.G.G.A named M.O.N.|
© Copyright Still a G'thang Productions, 2007