Crazy Crazy Crazy.. Did i already say Crazy?!
I've heard a lot of crazy ass shit in my life.. but this so far is the craziest thing that i've ever heard. This Saint, Jose Maria Escriva Balaguer founded this organization called the "Opus Dei". It is said that it's goal is "to spread throughout society a profound awareness of the universal call to holiness and apostolate through one's professional work carried out with freedom and personal responsibility." The intentions may be noble and all that shit but there are some things here, some rules that only someone brainwashed would consider right. Here are some of it...
Alienation From Families
*Communication to family about involvement with Opus Dei is limited and even discouraged.
*Opus Dei teaches individuals (despite their ages) that it is acceptable and even advantageous to leave parents and loved ones out of the decision-making process because "they will not understand." Most parents learn of their child's lifetime commitment to Opus Dei months and even years later. Many times, parents do not realize their children have joined because the numeraries are told to remain in university residences and do not move into centers designated exclusively for numeraries, so as not to raise any suspicions. Gradually, the bond of trust between child and parent is broken.
*Display of pictures of loved ones is discouraged, not by rule, but by subtle example. <---(Tsk tsk tsk.. This shit is Whacked!)
Undue Pressure to Join
*Selected individuals are relentlessly pursued to consider a vocation or calling to Opus Dei.
*Opus Dei members carefully stage "vocational crises" at vulnerable moments in recruits' lives. The recruits are often told that God calls people at certain times in their lives, and if they say "no" they will never receive God's grace in their lives because they are "on the wrong track."
*Opus Dei members often tell their "friends" that failure to follow a calling to Opus Dei will lead not only to a life of misery and discontent, but possibly to eternal damnation. <--- Whhaaaat?! eternal Damnation because i didn't join your Organization?! BULLSHIT!
Corporal Mortification of Opus Dei
This shit is so whaked! Believe Me!!
Corporal mortification is regularly practiced in Opus Dei. It is perhaps one of the most startling aspects of Opus Dei life for people outside the group. Many of the practices of corporal mortification were at one time more regularly practiced within the Church; however, due to modern psychology and thinking, the practices which inflict pain are sometimes considered to be counterproductive to one's spiritual development, as they can easily lead to pride and an unhealthy attitude toward one's body.
Listed below are the ways Opus Dei numeraries practice corporal mortification:
*Cilice: a spiked chain worn around the upper thigh for two hours each day, except for Church feast days, Sundays, and certain times of the year. This is perhaps the most shocking of the corporal mortifications, and generally Opus Dei members are extremely hesitant to admit that they use them. It is a painful mortification which leaves small prick holes in the flesh, and makes the Opus Dei members tentative about wearing swim suits wherever non-Opus Dei members may be.
*Discipline : a cord-like whip which resembles macrame, used on the buttocks or back once a week. Opus Dei members must ask permission to use it more often, which many do. The story is often told in Opus Dei that the Founder was so zealous in using the discipline, he splattered the bathroom walls with streaks of blood.
*Cold Showers : Most numeraries take cold showers every day and offer it up for the intentions of the current Prelate.
Meals : Numeraries generally practice one small corporal mortification at every meal, such as drinking coffee without milk or sugar, not buttering one's toast, skipping dessert, not taking seconds, etc. For the most part, eating between meals is not practiced. Opus Dei members fast on the Church's prescribed days for fasting, but otherwise must ask for permission to fast on their own.
*The Heroic Minute : Numeraries are encouraged to jump out of bed and kiss the floor as soon as the door is knocked in the morning. As they kiss, they say "Serviam," Latin for "I will serve." <--- I don't get it..
*Silences : Each night after making an examination of conscience, numeraries do not speak to one another until after Holy Mass the following morning. (They do not say "Good morning" to anyone as they are getting ready.) In the afternoons, they try to avoid speaking until dinnertime. On Sundays, numeraries generally do not listen to music, especially in the afternoons. <--- How do they live man!..
Some forms of corporal mortification differ according to your gender, as the following table shows:
*Female Numeraries:
*Sleep on boards laid on top of the mattress.
*Sleep without a pillow once a week.
*May not smoke or enter a bar.
*The Founder believed that women had passions that required more discipline to tame.
Male Numeraries:
*Sleep on the floor once a week.
*Sleep without a pillow once a week.
*Allowed to smoke and go to bars with recruits, for the purpose of drawing them closer to Opus Dei.
<--- you go to a bar to bring your recruits closer to you, other than that, it's wrong.. What the?!..
this are just some of the things they do for more information go to
To all my homies, relative and whoever who are into this: I ain't go nuthin' against y'all.. i got nuthin but love for all y'all.. it's just that this shit is crazy dawg.. how can you take this shit?!
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Composed by
That Nigga Named M.O.N.
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