Thursday, January 23, 2003

I am just here

Here i sit talking to you, giving you hints
yet, you are just there smiling, and talking back,
not noticing anything, are you that ignorant?
and i am just here.

I see you in halls and as i give you my nicest greeting,
you reply with a smile, yet you still don't notice it.
and i just shake my head sayin' how could this be?
and im just here.

I saw you awhile ago, and gave you no attention,
yet you give me yours, i gave you my best smile,
and yet you still dont't get it, how could this be?
and i guess i am still here.

Monday, January 20, 2003

you were just there

At my first glance, i treated you as nothing
an eye candy, just someone to make me smile,
to complete my day and just someone to converse with,
and you were just there.

At my second glance, i sensed something different,
you were more than just an eye candy and more than just a friend,
but i took it forgranted, and acted as if it was nothing,
and you were just there

At my third glance, my feeling were already different,
i didn't just want to be your friend, i wanted something else,
but its too late.. you are already taken.. and still
you are just there.

Friday, January 10, 2003

Music is your Pain

Music is yor pain,
for when its played,
ithits you where it hurts,
your heart.

Music is your pain,
where pain is re-lived
remembered, and in your mind,
and it hurts so bad.

Music is your pain,
where messages are hidden,
but it is decoded by your soul,
and it hits you where it hurts the most,
your heart.

Friday, January 03, 2003

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all y'all. Hope Y'all have a very good year. I have evaluated my 2002 and it wazn't pretty. Anyways hope i have a good year ahead of me.. even though im having a rough start as of now. To those people who made 2002 a memorable year for me (you know who you are..) I'd like to give y'all my deepest thanks and to all those people who fucked up my year (You know who you bitchez are!!) Fuck you all!! hope you guys burn in hell...

One of my friends told me something about a certain somebody that made me fall down my knees and just be helpless. Its so ironic my side that this shit happens. you know this Vic. anyways.. Fuck it..

"The Motherfuckin' Saga Continues.."

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Been Searching for My Response to the Question "Can it be all that Simple?!" Since November 2002
© Produced and Maintained by |That N.I.G.G.A named M.O.N.|
© Copyright Still a G'thang Productions, 2007